Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] France in Korea: Similarities and Differences
SPEAKER: Solène Heurtaux
WRITER: Onyou Kim
CO-WRITER: Joey Nunez
DATE: April 25, 2015
France and Korea have multiple differences and similarities, and still, the two countries celebrate their 130th year of working together as one this year. Solène Heurtaux, the GIC Talk Speaker, gave her GIC Talk entitled: “France in Korea: Similarities and Differences,” addressing these topics in both a sensitive and informative matter.
In terms of similarities and differences, Korean and French food are eaten at similar times later in the evenings, but in France, there are appetizers that can be enjoyed throughout the day.
Solène mentioned that plastic surgery is less common in France than it is in Korea. Solène also mentioned that Koreans focus on their skin to be both healthy and pretty. “In France, beauty is viewed as a unique item, so we also use fragrances.”
There were other interesting facts that Solène mentioned about France. Usually in Korea, early morning to late nights shifts occur. But in France, most shops are open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesdays to Saturdays. Also, in France, if someone is invited to a party, great gifts to consider bringing are flowers, chocolates, or wine for the hosts.
During this GIC’s Talk Q&A Session, Solène stated her main cultural shock of coming to Korea was the weather. “It is hot in France during the summertime too, but it is so humid here.” Solène also shared her enjoyment about her time here at the GIC. “I wanted to discover Korea and how everyone in this country works.” 
During her final remarks, Solène advised both Korean and International travelers to be careful of Paris pickpocketing. Solène also recommended listeners to travel around Paris and throughout France. “There are so many different people, landscapes and food. But, if you can only go to Paris, I would recommend that you visit the museums and cathedrals, as I know so many will enjoy the cultural aspects there in my country.”