Gwangju International Center


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Community Events

[Community Class] Yoga / Pilates


[Yoga / Pilates] 
- Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. starting on Jan. 16th.

- Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. starting on Jan 18th

- Bring your own mat 


This is the first one of the new series of Tuesday Night Pilates/Yoga classes that I will be offering weekly at the GIC. I am German licensed physiotherapist holding a Dutch diploma as a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy.

It is a free/donation-based class (Pay-as-you-feel)

To explain just briefly, this course is aimed to help preventing common health issues such as lower back, neck or other problems you may encounter.
Pilates in general similar to Yoga aims to strengthen your muscle and keep flexible in such at the same time. The main difference however is the muscle control and precise contraction of deep stabilizer muscles which are commonly weak in our sedentary modern lifestyle. I will however try to include some mindfulness exercises which are bridging both philosophies. 


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