Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] Knowing Gwangju through the May 18 Uprising

Knowing Gwangju through the May 18 Uprising


Speaker: Mathew Jacob and Mary Rose D. Sarturio

Writer: William Urbanski
Date: December 20th, 2014


  While it is safe to say that the vast majority of Gwangju's citizens and long-term residents are familiar with the events surrounding the May 18 Uprising, what is not so well-understood are the ongoing efforts to increase awareness of May 18 as well as to place it in a greater international context.  In this 20th year since the establishment of the May 18 Foundation, interns Mary Sarturio and Mathew Jacob detailed their responsibilities and accomplishments during their past year in Gwangju. 

  Through presentations at local schools, regular segments on GFN radio, working with volunteer solidarity teams and conferences with NGOs, Philippine native Mary Sarturio has used her position to promote the idea of international solidarity with the democratization movement.   To Mary, the events surrounding May 18 can be viewed as part of a larger international problem of state violence and her  portion of the talk focused largely on the influence of state violence and the ways to resolve it.

  Since coming to Gwangju, Mathew Jacab has continued his work and research into strengthening  human rights - a movement in which he was heavily involved in India.  Mathew has spent the last year interviewing Gwangju citizens who were directly involved in the May 18 in order to better understand Gwangju through its people.   The results of these interviews are going to be compiled this coming June in a book of which Mathew shared a preview.

  While outlining methods essential to social and political change, this GIC talk served as a reminder that May 18's role in transitioning South Korea to democracy is one of the country's defining moments and continues to be an international inspiration.


