Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] A Peace Corps Volunteer
Speaker : Chad LaRoche 
Writer : Taehoon Park
Co-Writer : Ricky Taylor
Date : January  31st, 2015
Chad talked us today about peace corps. He shared with us his experiences could give us glimpse of what’s life is like in peace corps and how it “changed you physically and mentally and he would recommended to anyone to participate”
He worked on the island of Grenadies, a volcanic island in the Caribbean. His primary assignment was to become a literacy teacher. He also created Journalism club to encourage student to take more active approach to develop literacy skills. Teaching that he found the student attitude was the “polar opposite” with “education (being) made values dance at Saint Vincent”. Outside of work he participated in a drum group which performed for the community as well as assisting community in a variety of ways.
“The snapshot of education and adopting overcoming challenge” let him to teaching position in Korea. He still stays touch with the school counselor. His biggest challenge was “being underequipped fending for himself but he found the school of Saint Vincent”. “The people are very vibrant”. The most rewarding aspect were “the connection in Saint Vincent really opened up his perspective”.