Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] The Truth About Love


Speaker : Tori Brown and Jamie Jones
Writer : Ko Eunbit
Co-Writer : Ashlyn Winter
Date : February 28, 2015
Today’s GIC talk, presented by Tori Brown and Jamie Jones, informed us about their theater business, Unpuzzled, its mission statement and aims. They also shared with us how they incorporated movement and drama in to teaching English in Korea. They also mentioned several aims of their business, but the two most important aims were to ‘give people who have limited arts access, a chance to be part of a world they feel excluded from’ and to ‘actively encourage and reflect equality and diversity in all our work’. Their business focuses on including the community around them, not only providing a service to people who can afford it or who have experience in acting
They continued their talk by telling us about their next production, The Truth About Love. This production has one main objective: to bring together the Korean and foreign community in Gwangju. This community orientated production includes all people of different races, religions and ages. To be part of this production, you do not need to have any previous experience or acting ability. You need to be willing to work hard and put in effort to learn and be a part of the team. We are looking forward to watching this production in the near future! 
This couple is planning on leave Korea and going back to the place they call home: The United Kingdom. They will continue their passion for working with different communities and hopefully their business will grow to new heights and influence many people positively.