Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] Finding Your Element: Inspirational Guide to Help Yourself


Speaker : Lisa Crone
Writer : Lee Juyeon
Co-Writer : Bradley Weiss
Date : March 28, 2015
On March 28th speaker Lisa Crone gave a GIC Talk titled “Finding Your Element: Inspirational Guide to Help Yourself” at the GIC. The inspiration for her talk was the books “The Element” and “Finding Your Element” by Ken Robinson, PhD. Lisa described “the element” as something that makes one feel energized, but which not everyone discovers or is aware of. Lisa related how, after reading Dr. Robinson’s books and a relaxing trip to Bali, she was able to reflect and find her own element, recognizing her own personal attraction to and aptitude for music. 
The speaker also discussed the features of one’s element, including finding something someone has both an aptitude and passion for, as well as the necessary conditions, including the opportunity to find one’s element. She included some general tips for the audience to find their own element, including finding people with similar interests, finding a mentor to guide, and not being afraid to “swim against the tide”. 
One of the important features of the speaker’s presentation was the idea of multiple intelligences – people’s element can lie outside of what is traditionally viewed as “intelligent” areas. 
One interesting addition to her talk was testimonials from people in her life, such as her brother and close friends, who have found their element, and how they went about doing so. 
The most important message Lisa tried to convey to the audience was to just find what they each want to do and, even if it’s difficult, to just do it!