Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] Painting Fantasy and Sci-Fi Models


Speaker : Paul Starr
Writer : Lee Juyeon
Co-Writer : Ashlyn Winter
Date : March 28, 2015
Paul started out his talk by telling us about himself and his passion for painting fantasy and sci-fi models. Painting fantasy and Sci-fi miniatures is a time consuming process as the models are usually very small and the detailed. Miniature models are used in games such ass ‘Legend of the old west’, ‘ Flames of war’, ‘ cold war commander’, ‘chain of command’, ‘warhammer 40k’, ‘MERCS’, ‘war hammer fantasy’ and ‘dungeons & dragons’. When Paul is not teaching or busy, you can always find him playing a game with his friends.
Paul shared with us how to cast and sculpt miniature model. He explained that most models are originally green in color, but can also be made of metal, plastic or resin. There are so many supplies needed to paint miniature models. Some of these includes a hobby knife, brushes, files, paint and the miniature models. 
Lastly Paul told us how he paints his own miniature models. Firstly you need to prepare the miniature models; this includes using a hobby knife to take away excess material. Once the model is prepared, you need to choose the colors and then paint the basecoat layer. Put ink on it to make the detail of models stand out. Lastly use other colors to highlights details of models. Each layer added to the miniature model gives the character more details and makes it more ‘real’.
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