Gwangju International Center


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GIC Events

[Review] "Pecha Kucha Night"


SPEAKER: Ryne Santos
CO-WRITERS:​ Vivien and Yang Eunsuk

GIC TALK DATE: January 9, 2016

GIC TALK TITLE: Pecha Kucha Night 


GIC Talk speaker Ryne Santos introduced the audience to Pecha Kucha 20x20 which is a simple presentation format where participants show 20 images/slides, and speak for 20 seconds about each of them.


This format teaches the participants who usually talk too much to speak more concisely, and allows every participant to speak for the same amount of time. His GIC Talk was here to present and promote the first ever Gwangju Pecha Kucha Night which will be held in February 2016.


Since Pecha Kucha debuted in Tokyo as a one-time event in 2003, this presentation meeting has been building a meaningful history. As of December 30, 2015, Pecha Kucha Nights were hosted in 889 cities around the world. 


Ryne Santos also explained that anyone can join the meeting and/or give a presentation about any topics that they want to share with the audience members. Topics can be about fashion, technology, culture, food, art, education, sports, music, photography, or any other personal project. This coming Pecha Kucha night in February, there will be a participant turning his 20 slides into poetry, and another one displaying his macro photography.


The GIC Talk speaker successfully raised interest about the Pecha Kucha Night. If you want to network with more like-minded people, this event might be what you are looking for.  It can help raise awareness about any subject you want to present.